Jersey Shore – Season 2, episode 1

July 29, 2010

Holy hilariousness. This was good from the opening scene. How often can you say that the second movie or book in a series is at least as good, if not better, than the first? Never. This, however, may actually be better than any second book or movie I’ve ever seen. A few notable things to sum up:

  • Vinnie: My uncles – they just want me to bang everything, but I kind of want better quality girls…if there’s ever a night I can’t get one, I’ll just double up the next night.
  • How about Angelina getting her bikini area waxed? Only on Jersey Shore. Stay classy San Francisco.
  • The Situation and Pauly D stuck in the mud, and then the AAA truck getting stuck too. This after they bought and set off a few fireworks. Hilarious.
  • Snooki proclaiming that “eating fried pickles was a lifechanging experience.” Same here Snooks. I will never forget the first fried pickle I had at Spider Kelly’s in Clarendon. Changed my life.
  • BTW Snooks, Obama obviously added the 10% tax on tanning because of you guys. GTL baby.
  • My bronzer’s leaking off my face (random quotes you miss the first time around but are gems the second time you watch).
  • Jwow: I’m not going to let a girl live in the house, talking shit, without her getting her ass beat. Love.
  • Quick scene of Ronnie flexing. This show is a real piece of work.
  • Snooki was just on a roll this episode. When speaking about how she now has a boyfriend, but heading to Miami, “If you hand me a bottle of SoCo, I just go crazy. Something comes over me.” Classic.
  • Did anyone pick up on the absolutely CLUTCH few lines between Sam and Snooki when the 4 girls were in the cab talking about guys before the bomb exploded? Who are the producers of this show? Absolutely amazing work right here. Sammi upset about Ronnie. JWow asks what’s wrong.

Sammi: I just feel like…I don’t know.
Snooki: I know what you mean.

  • This only to be topped off by the scene of the girls screaming at each other in one cab and the guys sitting in total silence in the other. Pure brilliance.

So many other good quotes and scenes contained in this season opener in Miami. This is some great stuff right here kids. Stay tuned in the future for some live blogging. Let’s be honest; the blog material doesn’t get any better than this.

Fist pumping on the couch,
Sara “Sunshine” Brown

P.S. Boys, stay away from those grenades.

birthday week

July 29, 2010

You know how this happens. I post once and then a ton of ideas start flowing my brain so I keep posting. So here it is. I just had another thought. It’s my birthday week. And while I didn’t want to make any sort of big deal over it, of course, it is turning out to be bigger than I anticipated. Started off that I wasn’t going to do anything but mellow out for the weekend. Clearly, that is not about to happen. I was added into a little party on Saturday night, which was originally just for Mo (it’s her bday week too). Now it’s for both of us and the guest list just appears to be growing. Should be interesting. But really, what I’m more excited about is Sunday brunch at the W. Again, guest list appears to be expanding, but I think we’ve finally maxed out at 10. Can’t wait for that.

This birthday will clearly be better than 31. Nothing beat my 30th, of course, but 31 was definitely a let down. I usually don’t get much in the way of gifts either, but this year I’ve already received two! A camera from my fam (soooo pumped about it!) and then my friend L so kindly bought me another Pacers Groupon. Too cute! Love you guys!

A year older, a year wiser. Okay maybe not, but happy birthday to me.  🙂


July 29, 2010

You know what? I can’t find a review of the deadmau5 show last night at 930 club to save my life, so eff it, I’m posting my own review. As many of you may know, I have a newfound obsession with house music. Hard to explain being that I am 31 going on 32, but there it is. I love house. And I love me some deadmau5. A few observations about last night’s show:

  1. I may have been the oldest person in the venue. Some of these kids looked like they were 15, I’m not even kidding. Not to mention the fact that almost all of them were coked out or ecstacy’d up. Sorry, I have no idea how to spell that, but that is because I don’t do the drug.
  2. The DJ before deadmau5 was pretty hot. Pleasurekraft. Not bad.
  3. He went on early, 10pm to be specific. He was done by 11:30. Shorter than I expected being that I’ve seen him before and he’s played for 2-3 hours. I guess I can’t complain being that it was a Wednesday night and I really shouldn’t have been out to begin with.
  4. He played only one of my favorite mixes, and excuse me, but I have no idea what the name of it is. Not Ghosts n Stuff. He did play that but honestly, I’m not a huge fan. Prefer some of his other mixes.
  5. Did I mention that he’s awesome? He’s amazing.
  6. Holy light show. We were standing up front to the left side, which was likely a huge mistake. I went back to hit the bathroom and saw from the back how much better the view was. What a light display. This is something new because the last time I saw him, it was basically just him sitting on stage at a DJ booth. Pretty effing cool. Stand in the back or up top on Thursday and Friday, if you are reading this. Just my two cents.
  7. If you can go naked, I highly recommend it. I may have lost 10 pounds last night, it was so hot in there. Seriously, VERY unpleasant. If I end up going to the Friday show, I think I may just wear my bikini top like so many of the other drugged up teeny boppers were doing. Seriously, we all came out soaking wet. It was absolutely disgusting. Maybe that is why he only played for 1.5 hours.
  8. If you can go, go. He is seriously one of the best DJ’s mixologists ever.


So that is my rundown. Hope it helps you folks out.

Sometimes things get complicated,

Who was that masked man?

July 22, 2010

Do you know this guy? I see him everywhere and it’s a bit frightening. Here seen sitting next to me on the metro.


July 15, 2010

FYI. At Vinoteca outside patio. No one knows about it and it’s awesome. That doesn’t mean you should come.

More parking lot action

July 13, 2010

Every morning when I set up in the bathroom to take a shower, I first let some light in by cracking the blinds a bit. This is okay being that I am on the second floor. I mean, what are the chances that someone would be able to look through the blinds, which are facing upwards, and see into the bathroom? Well today, as luck would have it, as I stepped to get out of the shower, I noticed that there was a man placed at a perfect height outside my window so that he could easily see in. He was cutting down a tree. Now there are a number of problems with this – namely, that he was cutting down the tree – but the main problem that came to mind was that he could see me naked. So I immediately jumped back into the shower and tried to figure out an escape route. Then I realized, in horror, that this man could have easily been watching me shower the entire time. I swear this kind of thing would only happen to me. I timed it perfectly so that there was no one outside when I got in the shower. Step out – there he was. In all my years living in that apartment (okay, it has only been a year), I would never anticipate that there would be a man cutting down a tree and strategically placed so that he could veer into my window and see me naked. Only me.

Saturday night post

July 10, 2010

Yep, I’m actually home on a Saturday night. This may be difficult for some to believe. I can barely believe it myself. But here I am, chilling on the couch. Went a litttttle too hard last night. Need to gather my thoughts and recoup. Plus I have a ton of work to do before Monday so figured this was as good a time as any to knock that out. So of course I’m procrastinating here and not doing it.

I’ve been wanting to post about this for about a week now. I put it off because New/Old Guy claims that I have a thing for my hot yoga instructor. I don’t know where he’d get that idea. Regardless, he’s married so anything happening is completely out of the question. But since he seems to be all I’ve been blogging about recently, and in order to continue on with the hot married yoga instructor saga, I’d like to give a download of last Monday night’s happenings. Nothing major, but this story just keeps getting more juicy so I will update you now until my next encounter.

I try to avoid hot married yoga instructor these days. Why? Because he’s married. And effing hot. So instead of going to his class, I go to the class before his class in order to avoid him. Although, deep down I know I’m really not avoiding anything because he’ll be there when my class is done. So, as luck would have it, class ended – and there he was. We exchange hellos, how are yous…the use. I figured it would end there. No. Hot married yoga instructor literally says to me,

I was thinking about you today.

Excuse me? Time came to a screeching halt. I had to pause, gather my thoughts, and try not to choke, “What did you say?” [I’m so smooth].

He then explains what he meant by that ridiculous statement. In planning his class, he was thinking about what he would have me do if I showed up. Apparently, he had planned that the class would do inversions, and as you know from my last hot yoga instructor post, my disabled ass can no longer do inversions. Acceptable. But opening up with a line of “I was thinking about you today” had my mind doing kartwheels. Speaking of, I wonder if I can still do a kartwheel. Anyway, we ended the conversation by him asking me if I was taking care of myself, i.e. not doing inversions to protect the neck. Yes, I’m taking care of myself! Hot married yoga instructor, I trust your judgment. Not just because you are hot, but because you clearly know what you are doing.

Okay now that I’m done getting that out of my system, perhaps I’ll get back to work for the remaining 15 minutes that I will be up. Nothing like a little procrastination.

Until Monday night’s class,

Heat wave!

July 6, 2010

So I’d just like to point out the obvious…that it’s 7pm and 100 degrees in DC. I just stepped out of the office for the first time today and felt like I had stepped into a raging inferno. Again, just pointing out the obvious.

On that note, I’m currently waiting to catch a train home. As I went to board at L’Enfant, I stepped into a train only to immediately turn around in utter horror at the fact that the train must have been functioning at 110 degrees. Not even kidding, the inside of the train felt like what a car would probably feel if you left your child or dog inside for even a few minutes (clearly, I have been heeding the warnings…unfortunately for me I neither own a child nor dog). So I immediately turn around in horror to wait for the next train only to look back at the 110 degree car when it is taking off. A good number of people were actually sitting in the car acting as if nothing was wrong. Seriously people? It was at least 110 degrees! It always baffles my mind when I see people sitting in a car with no a/c on the metro, especially on a day like today.

Good luck with this heat tomorrow too kids. Avoid outdoor activities and hydrate. I won’t even be riding my bike. You know this is serious.

bathroom fun

July 1, 2010

Whenever I enter the women’s restroom at work, I usually check to see if anyone else is present before entering a stall myself. Much to my chagrin, today I neglected to do that and after relieving myself, I heard a noise in a nearby stall. I had to think back – was I just talking to myself? Was I mumbling something that I wouldn’t want anyone to hear? Probably. I heard the noise and then slightly freaked out and had to think back about what I had just said. Then ran out as fast as possible.

This incident reminds me of the time I was at one of my favorite Connecticut restaurants back in the day, Friendly’s, having lunch with a friend. I went to the bathroom and neglected to check the neighboring stalls before entering one myself. Apparently, I was happy about coleslaw coming with my meal and whispered, “YES!  It comes with coleslaw!” No joke, this actually came out of my mouth. I then heard a noise and looked under the stalls only to see a pair of feet a few stalls down. Sara fail.

Enjoy the coleslaw.