guess that person

April 21, 2013

Ran the GW Parkway 10 miler this morning. Amazing run, highly recommend. I have been wanting to do it for as long as I can remember, but weddings or some other travel had prevented me from participating. Sadly, I wasn’t able to train for it. However, this week I was able to convince a friend who had also not trained to run it with me and we did very well considering.

I was just telling someone about the run. Although said person has asked to remain nameless, some of you may be able to guess who it is. Here was the conversation:

Sara: It was great, but my IT bands really hurt during the run.
Mystery Person: Well, could you take them off?

On that note, maybe I’ll go ice the IT bands. Or, I could just take them off.



April 2, 2013

I finally created a twitter account! Please follow me @saraphhh
#iamawesome #lml #upat5amtodothis #notsurewhy #datingindcsucks #hashtagsareweird #butithinkimfinallygettingthehangofit

Okay maybe not. Back to bed!

Love always,

Subject: switching to email

April 1, 2013

Sara: Hey Jon, it’s Sara. Switching over to email (from eHarmony) as you suggested. Hope you are having a good weekend. Get into anything fun?


Hey Girl,
Very nice to hear from you!
I had a good weekend, Saturday I actually got out and walked the National mall with friends and really enjoyed the beautiful weather. I total I would estimate that we actually asked about five miles. Yesterday I worked on chores and then walked basketball with some friends. So how was your weekend?

Like me, you may have had to read that a couple of times to make sure you were reading it correctly. Let’s review:

– Hey Girl
– Clarification of which mall he walked, in case there was any confusion.
– I total, he asked about five miles.
– He walked some basketball.

Yours truly,