May 24, 2010

Yikes guys, it’s been two weeks since I’ve posted. I think I am going to have to make this a weekly blog, if anything. Just can’t keep up as a I used to.

So, what has brought me back, you may ask? LOST.

Last night was the LOST finale, and honestly, I am almost rendered speechless at how amazing this show was and how the writers weaved everything to conclude with this amazing ending. Many are complaining that we are still left with questions unanswered. But really, that is the beauty of it. That is the beauty of the show. LOST was about life, death, good, evil, redemption, and to me – the meaning of life. In real life, we don’t have all the answers. Many things make no sense to us. So for the writers to end it as they did, with many of the sci-fi questions still unanswered; this was fine for me. What mattered most was the relationships developed, the bonds forged, the love created, and coming to peace with the fact that things may not turn out the way they thought they might in the end. It all comes down to this – love and happiness. Making the most of life and righting any wrongs so that you can move on to a better place. To me, that was what this show was about. And I am happy with the way it ended because it all came together for me in the end.

The amazing actors and actresses of LOST

WOW. I’m not sure how much more I need to say about this show. If you are a viewer, I think the finale spoke for itself. I watched the show with friends, and frankly almost wish that I hadn’t because I was crying like a baby for the last half hour. I walked home feeling as though something was “off,” as though there was now a void created in my life, as if I had just gone through a horrible breakup. Is it really over? Yes, it is. But after thinking about it more, I have come to peace with that fact. While yes, it is sad that the show is over, like any breakup, I realize that I am happy to have gone through the experience. I have learned so much; it wasn’t all for nothing. As crazy as it may seem, my life has been enhanced by a TV show. Yes, a TV show. I didn’t think this was humanly possible. The writers did an incredible job with this one.

Before I take off, I’d just like to add that my LOST experience has only been enhanced by reading the Filmfodder blog by Mac Slocum. His summaries combined with his sense of humor made this a great read every week post episode. Not only that, but an incredible amount of insight was gained by reading the comments (all 400 of them) on each post. I will really miss this as well.

On that note, it’s bon voyage for me for a while. I need to take a minute, sit back, and think about my life, where it is going, and what I want to accomplish. We only have so much time to do the things we want to do and make the most of our time here. Yes, I realized this before LOST, but it was only enhanced by this viewing experience. LOST was an incredibly moving show that had to come to an end, but it’s legacy lives on. Thanks to the writers for creating this masterpiece.

Until next time,


U Street news

May 10, 2010

I haven’t been keeping up on my neighborhood blogs as much as I would have liked, but just would like to report that a little birdy told me that Masa 14 will soon be opening a rooftop patio. The U Street area is in dire need of more outdoor bar space, so this is fabulous news. I was still uncertain about whether or not this piece of information was actually legit, until I walked by yesterday and saw a couple of people walking around on the rooftop. It looked as though they were examining the space. Sara is redic excited – will keep you posted when I know the opening date.

In other news, I have been a few times now to the new Pica Taco location that just opened at 14th and Florida. So far, so good, but I definitely recommend the barbocoa (beef). Have not yet had the chicken taco, and I didn’t like the pastor (pork) at all – it was way too fatty. I tried the breakfast burrito over the weekend, and it was smaller than I anticipated and not quite as tasty as others I’ve had. If you go, I’d stick to the barbocoa – definitely a solid choice.

In other news, and because I’ve been vehemently researching and testing out bikes to buy, a newer bike shop, Bicycle Stations, opened a few months ago at 14th and W (just around the corner from Pica Taco). Since I’ve been to this shop about 5 times in the past 3 weeks, this is why it’s been easy for me to venture over to Pica Taco. Let me first just rave about this bike shop. When I first went, the owner, Stephen, spent an hour with me talking about the type of bike I am looking for, components, and the logistics of buying a bike. Who knew this was more difficult than buying a car? I was able to ride a nice Bianchi performance hybrid to check that option out (I’m debating between a road bike and a sporty hybrid). The next time I came in to see if they had some Fuji’s in stock, the other salesman, Adrian, took some time to help me out as well. Now, as you can see, reviews on Yelp are so far, so good. Compared to the guys at Bike Rack in Logan Circle, these guys seem more personable and actually take the time to explain things to you. Stephen even told me that even though they don’t carry a particular road bike I am looking at (below), he would be able to order it for me from another store. You know who I will be buying my bike from.

Check out this beauty: the Scott Contessa Speedster 25. I can’t get this thing off my mind. I think I’m in love.

Scott Contessa Speedster 25

the Bike Gang

May 10, 2010

Hello guys – again, I need to apologize for being MIA. I tried my best to login on Friday but was denied. Hopefully work isn’t picking up on the fact that they should probably block me from this site too. Remember when they blocked me from facebook? That was horrible – I had to go out and buy an iPhone to compensate.

So how was everyone’s weekend? My weekend was highlighted by the fact that (1) it was the first night back out on the GTown waterfront [we have a few boating friends] which means the weather is nice and I am back to being in summer heaven, and (2) Saturday was the first Bike Gang ride of the summer. Granted, I don’t yet have a bike, but by golly, I can’t wait to get one.


the Bike Gang on a ride


Let’s just touch upon this Bike Gang idea. Pure brilliance if you ask me. My friend Big D, an avid biker, has managed to help convince a few of us to get bikes. So he, I, and three others participated in the first Bike Gang ride on Saturday, with a start time of 1pm. Gorgeous day out and perfect day to tour the Embassies, which, if you didn’t know, had open houses until 4pm consisting of free food and drink. My friends, of course, focused on the drink. After hitting Embassies such as the Czech Republic (embarrasingly, spelled “Chech” in a text to a friend that day) and Austria, we then decided we’d head back on Rock Creek Parkway and stop at the GTown waterfront for a beverage. Little did I know that “a beverage” consisted of each of us buying a round. Luckily, I managed to skip out on one round before we biked back up to a restaurant in GTown for some dinner (and more drinks). Now, I am currently the only female member of the Bike Gang, so one would think that I can’t keep up in the drinking, which is true. The boys continued to kill a few bottles of wine and sangria at dinner, but I had to tap out. After dinner, we headed back home to prepare for the evening. Please picture the five of us riding down P Street in the dark taking up the entire right lane, everyone but me being pretty tipsy and thus making a total scene, and two members of the Gang smoking a cigarette for good measure. One of these cig smokers was riding a hot pink one-speed cruiser. It was ridiculously hilarious.

Anyway, Bike Gang was a blast. If you don’t yet own a bike and would like to get involved in riding, I highly recommend it to everyone. We are currently looking to recruit new members. Just keep in mind that Bike Gang initiation can be a real bitch. The more we recruit, the more rounds we buy. Daunting.

major fail

May 6, 2010

Yikes guys, I’m sorry. I FORGOT ABOUT THE BLOG. You heard me correctly, I actually forgot about you. Clearly, I am way too self-absorbed these days to remember my loyal readers. You know, working too much, staying active, and socializing. I forgot about my internet livelihood! And to make matters even worse, I have been so busy that I’ve even stopped reading the local blogs to stay up on what’s going on in DC. Something needs to change.

Just to fill you in on A Day in the Life, I went wakeboarding last Saturday. Mind you, I love wakeboarding, even though I’m initially scared shitless and think I could easily faceplant and knock the wind out of myself, scaring me so much that I will never go back. But once you are up – man it’s fun. For some odd reason, I got up this year and seemed to vastly improve – I could do S turns, go over the wake…  okay that’s about it, but you get my point. I am better than last year, and it seems to be addicting to the point that I want to keep getting better. By the end of the summer, maybe I will be able to get some air and go wake to wake. Yep.

As much as I love wakeboarding and the workout it brings, to this day (almost a week later), my left quad is still killing me. I could barely walk for 3 days after, let alone walk down stairs or get out of bed in the middle of the night. Pure agony. When the fire alarm went off at work on Monday and we were forced to walk down FIVE flights of stairs, I thought it must be some cruel joke. I’m almost beginning to think that I actually pulled the muscle, as I’m still a bit wobbly and off balance in that leg. Who knows. Point being – wakeboarding is an insane workout. I’m totally jacked in my arms now, which you could look at as either a good thing or bad. Just be prepared to lose in arm wrestling.

Well, my life is boring at the moment and that’s all I’ve really got to report now. Till next time.