I got some new shoes at Fleet Feet yesterday….

November 30, 2009

here I am making fun of my mother, who loves to start her emails with half the body of the email written in the subject line.  Or sometimes she’ll put something like a question in the subject header, such as “when do you leave for your trip?” and then continue with the rest of her email in the actual message section.  Last time she did that, she emailed my sister with the header “when do you leave on your trip?” and then continued with other mumbo jumbo in the message box.  Stretchneck (Jean’s nickname) did not respond to her question and then my mother had to re-ask the question a few emails out, obviously flustered that Jean had not responded.  Clearly, you need to be vigilant when reading my mother’s emails and pay attention to details such as what is in the subject line.  Usually I’ll just put a simple “hi” if it’s a bullshitting email or the topic of the email like “weekend” when I am trying to make weekend plans.  Not Mom.  Half the email can sometimes be contained in the subject header alone.  So keep that in mind if you ever end up emailing my mother.

So to continue on with my subject header, yes, I had to bring back the cut up Asics since my bunion (a.k.a. carbuncle) was still hurting me even with all of the overlay removed.  Oh well.  I decided just to go with some Nikes which I know do not hurt the carbuncle.  Unfortunately, I bought this version of the Nikes about 3 years ago, and since then, they have updated the shoe.  Unfortunately, they have updated the shoe so that there is not as much room in the heel area.  I had to buy some inserts as well to give the shoe more stability.  So now with the inserts, my heel basically feels like it’s coming out of the shoe, even though I tripple freak show laced those suckers up and made them ultra tight.  The shoes blow.  I am going to give it a few more weeks and see if my feet settle in at all, but so far it is just annoying.  My socks bunch up and end up at the base of my foot within a few minutes of walking in them, and clearly I will end up with some intense blisters when I run.  I really don’t know what to do if these shoes don’t work though.  On the one hand, I can’t try every single shoe known to man to find one that doesn’t hurt the carbuncle!  I may try to find the old version of these Nike’s online or something, even though they don’t make them anymore, like a quick ebay search.  Please wish me luck.  I really can’t take much more of this.  I just want to be able to run!  😀

Sidebar:  If you don’t watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, you need to.  This show is drop dead hysterical.  Larry David is pretty damn offensive and I actually just spoke to a few people this past weekend who are banning it because of episode 6 or 7 in which he pisses on a picture of Jesus by mistake.  I mean, seriously folks?  It’s not that serious!  The last episode I just watched on demand was the golf course ep…hillllllarious.  Please check it out if you haven’t already.

Sidebar II:  “We are a blog!”  I’m quoting my mother from the UConn tailgate this past weekend.  Everyone is all excited that I’m blogging now, and we were laughing about something ridiculous at the tailgate, and Mom comes out with that line.  As if all blogs are about people who live Seinfeld episodes.  We are a blog!!!!  Good one, Moms.

Sidebar III:  Budget seasons starts in half an hour.  So I am apologizing early if I don’t have any good posts this week.  If I have time and definitely if I need a break from the madness, I will post.  I’m sure I will need a stress reliever of some sort, and that something ridiculous will happen, so stay alert.  I may surprise you.  So long for now…